Before the War

Based on a family heirloom photograph of Allen Zicherman’s, it portrays a troop of Eastern European soldiers before participation in the Second World War. The soldier in the first row, farthest from the left is Allen’s father Jacob Zicherman (close-up below).

Graphite on Paper (with Photoshop), 2019

All Rights Reserved

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Jacob Zicherman

(Sept 25, 1911 - Dec 27, 1987)

Jacob survived the war and founded a family in Israel.

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The Captain

Distracted at the moment of the photograph, either by a simple annoyance such as the photographer taking too long, or perhaps his mind was focused on larger concerns such as bringing the surrounding boys in this troop home alive from the coming conflict.

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The Sargent

I believe the Sargent stands-out amongst the others for his fierce gaze and concerned countenance. His uniform is the only one equipped for late 1930’s early 1940’s warfare, with his uniform buttons covered to further camouflage him in the field and not catch the sunlight for snipers, and his trousers are wrapped for field duty to keep out water and debris. While the others look ready for the parade ground, this Sargent is ready for the foxhole.

He also sits in the foremost position of the delta formation of the troops creating an impression he always leads at the head of his troop.