Spartan Hoplite - Along with the remaining survivors, this Hoplite (foot-soldier) has stripped down to only his helmet, shield and cloak preparing himself for certain death in the coming combat. His greaves, shoes and personal effects he’s thrown into the sea, hoping to diminish the eventual Persian spoils. Injured multiple times in the same arrow-storms that fell King Leonidas moments earlier, this low ranking Hoplite, gathering his remaining strength, launches forward clutching his broken spear-shaft and impales the Persian tearing off the King’s last piece of remaining clothing. The Hoplite’s form is perfect; jack-knifing his body to leverage every ounce of strength he has left, oblivious to pain, utilizing muscle groups pierced by arrows. The grit and determination displayed by this Hoplite are the very reasons why the legend of this conflict is more vibrant today than two thousand years ago.    .