The Helot - A member of the despised Helot class (slaves) has leapt from the group of battle attendants, thrown himself fearlessly into the heart of the combat, and is heroically attempting to pull the King's body away from the Persian nobleman, Abrocomes.  This Helot dons no armor, not even a tunic, only a loin-cloth and a wrought-iron neck-shackle.  The Helot’s gaze is transfixed on the hand of Abrocomes clutching King Leonidas’ foot.  The entire composition hinges on this lynch-pin. If the Helot’s grip slips, Leonidas’ body will disappear into the caldron of the Persians lines, and if the Persian Noble loses his hold, the Helot will pull the King back into Spartan possession – if only delaying the inevitable in the coming total defeat.

The Helots were the displaced indigenous aboriginals of the Peloponnesian peninsula and had different ancestry than the Dorian Spartans who originated from the Latin peninsula to the west.  This Helot has a darker skin tone yet a lighter hair color (almost bleached blonde) than the Dorians.